Revelations a venir sur l'intrusion d'aliens sur Terre ?


Revelations a venir sur l'intrusion d'aliens sur Terre ? (Suite 2) Aliens


Revelations a venir sur l'intrusion d'aliens sur Terre ? (Suite)


Message from the Designers

Mise en ligne le 5 août 2010 During his extraterrestrial encounters, Rael received a series of messages that touch on all aspects of human life. Whether your interest lies in ancient history, modern science, UFOs, religious scriptures or even sci-fi, you'll gain new perspective from taking the time to read them.
This video summarizes some of the main points conveyed to Rael. 
* Please note that the reference for the splitting of the waters is found at Genesis 1:6,7 and not Genesis 1:12 as stated in the video